Friday 4 October 2013

Dieng Plateau - Wonosobo - Jawa tengah

The lofty plateau of Dieng 2093m above sea level is home to some of the oldest Hindu temples in Java ., 

welcome to Dieng Plateau
Cepogo Boyolali
Bunga yang tumbuh di sekitar Kawah Sileri
View on Merapi Volcano

Tieng 1789m above see level
Arjuna Temples area

walk with mbah Semar
Tracking with local kids at Candradimuka crater

Nama Dieng berasal dari gabungan dua kata Bahasa Kawi: "di" yang berarti "tempat" atau "gunung" dan "Hyang" yang bermakna (Dewa). Dengan demikian, Dieng berarti daerah pegunungan tempat para dewa dan dewi bersemayam

Bima Temple

view to go to Candradimuka crater

To go to Sikidang crater

view on Sileri creter

In front of Candradimuka crater

View on Telaga warna ( lake color)

Farmer carry seed potatoes to plants

in Wonosobo
View from the other side of Telaga Warna( lake color)

Wild cherry find it next to Candradimuka crater

Farmers pose in front Candradimuka crater

Dieng Plateau's Workers

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